The Emergence of Digital Financial Services in Lao PDR

PHB Development has worked in close consort over the past four years with UNCDF* to develop a Digital Financial Services (DFS) ecosystem in what was previously a greenfield environment for digital payments.

The mWater story through photos: Water accessibility with DFS+

How can digital finance assist the poor in attaining basic necessities? DFS+ is a term for digital financial services that enable the poor to have better access to basic utilities of life including health services, water and education.

Gender-inclusive digital for true financial inclusion

Women in some countries have been historically under-represented in digital outreach and may tend to lag men in the uptake of newly-offered digital products.

PHB Academy Embarks on new DFS Training Initiatives in Uganda

“Complex issues were made understandable, drawn from extensive Ugandan and global experience,” said Tamsin Scurfield of Opportunity International about participating in a recent PHB Academy training in Kampala, Uganda.

Adapt or Die! A Changing Landscape for Microfinance

“A large part of the financial sector is not adapting well to new market environments and seems to have lost focus on the mission to provide financial services to the poor,”

Work (and play) in an Active PHB Summer

PHB Development recognizes the importance of a healthy of balance work and home life, so while many of our associates and clients are enjoying summer holidays, we also ensure that existing client needs are met in a timely manner.

Interview with PHB Associate Emmanuel Mudahemuka

Emmanuel Mudahemuka is based in the Netherlands and specializes in external mid-term and post evaluations of programs for regions including North Africa.

Interview with Pall Kvaran

PHB Development values the diversity and innovation that its consultants can bring to developing financial inclusion systems nearly anywhere on the planet. PHB Associate, Pall Kvaran, recently shared views from his current work in Uganda.

Helping Refugees through Financial Inclusion

The needs of an estimated 22.5 million worldwide refugees fleeing conflict and instability go well beyond food and shelter.

Agents-The Revolution on the Ground in Lao PDR

The mixed emotions of excitement and nervousness would be the best way to describe how new branchless banking agents feel in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR).

The Roaming Agents of Lao PDR

This pilot initiative is supported by the UNCDF Making Access to Finance More Inclusive for Poor People (MAFIPP) programme jointly operated with the Bank of Lao PDR, with support from the Australian Government and technical assistance from UNCDF MM4P.

Creating a new world of banking in Lao PDR A vision for branchless banking realized

On 12 May 2015, the first branchless banking transaction was completed in a rural village in the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR).

10th Digital Finance Working Group in Lao PDR is a clarion call for Digital Finance

On 12 May 2015, the first branchless banking transaction was completed in a rural village in the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR).

Community development through digital finance in Lao PDR

Sending children away from home for higher education is considered a requirement for parents to build their children’s future.

Building digital financial service networks in Lao PDR

building multiple and varied relationships within this developing environment for digital financial services (DFS).

Digital Financial Services: Bringing Stability to Small Farms so They Can Grow

The use of DFS such as agricultural microcredit can lead to key contributions in the improvement of value chains, from the timely acquisition of quality raw materials to the methods of storage and implementation.
