Ruth Thiemele Kadjo Digital Catalyser - DFS
Ruth is a highly motivated Digital Financial Inclusion consultant. She joined PHB in September 2016 but has been working on the microfinance sector since 2013.
She has been involved in digital finance workshops, digital credit scoring workshop, interoperability workshops throughout some west African countries. She has also conducted training in Benin and Senegal, aiming to give stakeholders a better understanding of what already exists in term of digital financial services and the applicable regulations. Apart from facilitating workshops, she has also participated in digital savings and credit product launch and writing for the series of toolkits for Financial Service Providers to go digital with UNCDF and the MasterCard Foundation.
Ruth started her career as the Coordinator Assistant for African Microfinance Transparency (AMT) in Dakar, a project of ADA Luxembourg. She later joined the MIX as Associate Analyst in charge of annual and quarterly financial and operating data collection and revision from Microfinance Institutions (Nigeria, Kenya, MENA, West Africa). Her experiences at AMT, at Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX) as an Associate analyst and the French NGO Positive Planet as Public Partnership Development Officer have allowed her to acquire a keen interest and skills in Financial Inclusion Projects development and Microfinance Institutions capacity building, with a strong focus on Africa.
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