Leveraging Gender Balance for Zoona Malawi

Zoona and UNCDF MM4P intend to increase women’s livelihood, by increasing the number of women agents and tellers within the Malawian DFS Ecosystem. By doing so, UNCDF/ MM4P will also contribute to the increased percentage of Malawian women adults that are financially included, as women customers tend to be more comfortable approaching women agents and tellers.

Study and recommendations for regulators to drive the digital transformation of microfinance in Africa

The intersection of digital technologies and microfinance is one of the focus areas of AFI, especially given the opportunities technology provides in enhancing microfinance institutions (MFIs), at the MFI level (improved efficiency, reduced costs, etc.) and at the customer level (convenience, digital footprint, etc.). AFI commissioned this study to provide more efficient and relevant guidance to its members (financial regulators and supervisors) in the area of digitization of microfinance services.

Tablets for SEF

SEF, the Small Enterprise Foundation in South Africa is a non-profit MFI founded in 1991. It provides group loans using an adapted Grameen methodology. SEF has a holistic approach to poverty reduction and uses the Participatory Wealth Ranking (PWR) system to reach the poor. Without serious competition in the MF sector, SEF has a strong market position, shown by its deep social outreach, 160k customers (average 8% growth per year) and portfolio of EUR 27.8M GLP (PAR 0.4%)2. Since 2015 SEF is fully operationally and financially sustainable. SEF now requests TJAS support for the implementation of Digital Field Applications (DFA) for its field staff.

Digital Transformation of Microfinance and Digitization of Microfinance Services to Deepen Financial Inclusion in Africa

Understand the synergy between digital financial and microfinance institutions in providing access to finance to individuals and small businesses

Evaluate scaling-up financial services delivery program

In cooperation with The MasterCard Foundation, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) is implementing a program intended to accelerate the reach of financial services for the poor in sub-Saharan Africa, through two main workstreams.

Program Evaluation Wizzit expansion in Southern Africa and Capacity Building

WIZZIT was supported through a three year IFC advisory services project: providing operational and managerial capacity building, designing a local and regional expansion strategy, and developing a micro-lending product delivered through WIZZIT’s mobile platform.

Drafting of a Comprehensive Regulatory Framework for E-Money Namibia

Central Bank of Namibia wanted to develop a regulatory framework for mobile and e-money related services that would enable financial inclusion, whilst ensuring appropriate security for payment systems.

Go to Market Strategy to offer Mobile Financial Services (MFS) in Botswana

beMOBILE, the third largest mobile network operator, wanted to understand the potential in launching mobile financial services..

Program Evaluation Wizzit expansion in Southern Africa and capacity building

The WIZZIT program aims to provide access to low-cost financial services through the use of mobile technology.
