Study and recommendations for regulators to drive the digital transformation of microfinance in Africa

The intersection of digital technologies and microfinance is one of the focus areas of AFI, especially given the opportunities technology provides in enhancing microfinance institutions (MFIs), at the MFI level (improved efficiency, reduced costs, etc.) and at the customer level (convenience, digital footprint, etc.). AFI commissioned this study to provide more efficient and relevant guidance to its members (financial regulators and supervisors) in the area of digitization of microfinance services.

Project Management Consultant Uganda

UNCDF is the UN’s capital investment agency for the world’s least developed countries. UNCDF has a unique financial mandate within the UN system. It provides investment capital and technical support to both the public and the private sector. The ability to provide capital financing -- in the forms of grants, soft loans and credit enhancement – and the technical expertise in preparing portfolios of sustainable and resilient capacity building and infrastructure projects, makes its mandate a very useful complement to the mandates of other UN agencies. It also positions UNCDF as an early-stage investor to de-risk opportunities that can later be scaled up by institutional financial partners and increasingly by philanthropic foundations and private sector investors.

Digital Transformation of Microfinance and Digitization of Microfinance Services to Deepen Financial Inclusion in Africa

Understand the synergy between digital financial and microfinance institutions in providing access to finance to individuals and small businesses

Value Proposition Mapping of the Dairy Value Chain, Uganda

For Digital Financial Services (DFS) payments to be sustainable, each of the businesses and individuals involved must have a sound financial motive for continuing to participate.

Evaluate scaling-up financial services delivery program

In cooperation with The MasterCard Foundation, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) is implementing a program intended to accelerate the reach of financial services for the poor in sub-Saharan Africa, through two main workstreams.

Using next-generation Electronic Payments – Ethiopia

In 2011, UNGUKA succeeded in getting the license of microfinance bank. Starting with only two branches (Remera and Nyabugogo), in December 2012, the Institution counted with 18 branches and two outlets; covering an important part of the north-western and central and southern districts.

Implementation of sustainable savings through multi-channels Malawi

Women’s World Banking is providing technical assistance (with support from UNCDF’s Microlead Expansion program) to NBS Bank on a project to increase access to sustainable demand-driven savings products to low-income Malawians, in particular women and clients living in rural areas.

Agent Banking Strategy for POS interface and Pilot for FINCA Tanzania

In January 2013, FINCA TZ became the first institution in Tanzania that transformed into a deposit taking Microfinance Company (MFC) regulated by the Bank of Tanzania (BOT).

Supporting Unguka Bank Ltd towards the migration into a cost-effective Core Banking System in Rwanda

UNGUKA, a licensed microfinance bank, counted 18 branches and two outlets in December 2012. It has 30,000 clients and its strategic objective is to develop into a commercial bank, with a focus on microfinance.

Strategy and Implementation for Mobile Financial Services Rwanda

Urwego Opportunity Bank wanted to provide its customers with access to savings accounts and allow repayments of loans via the mobile phone using the mVisa platform.

Strategic Positioning of IT Company in the Mobile Payments Market Africa and Indian Ocean Islands

Expand Technology is an IT company specializing in payment solutions that wanted to reposition their products, brand and strategy to enter the mobile payments market.

Implementation and Launch of Mobile Money Services (MMS) in Uganda

Orange needed assistance with the design, implementation, pilot and launch of a new mobile money service in Uganda. A dedicated project manager was seconded by PHB Development to manage the project from inception to completion.

Assessment of Mobile Banking Opportunities for MFIs in Rural Areas Madagascar

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) want to access the impact of climate change on Microfinance environment.
