Support MTN Benin to develop a payment ecosystem around moto-taxis drivers (Zemidjans)

MTN wants to set up a payment ecosystem around the Zemidjans (moto-taxi drivers in Benin), using mobile money as a solution to the challenges they face: Phase 1: Addressing security and liquidity issues with the implementation of merchant payment. Phase 2: Addressing a lack of means to meet their ambitions with a digital group savings product (“tontine”).

Digital portfolio scan for financial sector clients

The general objective of the assignment is to support BIO’s financial sector clients in their digital journey by conducting an assessment of their financial institutions and providing an analysis for the most suitable candidates on the necessary support needed to move forward with their digitization process. Our analysis will be based on 2 components: 1) the use of an online survey tool for the data collection 2) a follow-up call from the consultants to help complete any missing information.

Market study of Senegalese migrants in Spain and product development of remittance-linked products

Since 2009, PAMECAS, in collaboration with ADA, is promoting the savings of Senegalese migrants. Pamecas wishes to adapt its product and services for migrants residing in Spain.
