Feasibility Study on Mobile Financial Services (MFS) in Colombia

Grameen Foundation wanted to understand the role it could play supporting the development of mobile financial services in Colombia, and especially in rural areas linked to agri-value chains.

Launch Plan for Mobile Financial Services (MFS) in Panama

Grameen Foundation wanted to understand the role it could play supporting the development of mobile financial services in Colombia, and especially in rural areas linked to agri-value chains.

Mobile Money Transfer Market Study in Sierra Leone

In 2005, Cordaid began supporting the development of the microfinance sector in Sierra Leone (also via MITAF). There are now 13 MFIs in the country, who reach 95,000 loan clients. Mobile financial services have been offered since 2010 (Splash and Airtel Money.

Go to Market Strategy to offer Mobile Financial Services (MFS) in Botswana

beMOBILE, the third largest mobile network operator, wanted to understand the potential in launching mobile financial services..
