BB Network Development for WMBL, PNG

Women’s Microbank Limited (WMBL) will provide access to financial services to its existing members and other new women members through an extension of the bank’s access points using a branchless banking technology-driven solution. For that purpose, WMBL will use a tablet-based software application linked with a Bluetooth bio-metric identification system.

IFC Mobile and Branchless Banking (MB & BB) Program Evaluation – Indonesia

In 2008, IFC wanted to play a catalytic role in the development of a transformational mobile banking model in Indonesia.

Feasibility of Mobile Money for selected EFSE countries Moldova, Albania, Turkey

The European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE) fosters economic development and prosperity by providing loans to microfinance institutions and banks in the region.

Procurement of Internet banking application for Xacbank in Mongolia

XacBank is a licensed (microfinance) bank in Mongolia. It launched Internet banking in 2005-2006 with a system developed in-house.

Urwego Opportunity Bank (UOB) Branchless Banking (mHOSE) Evaluation – Rwanda

UOB launched in 2013 mobile and agent (branchless) banking (mHOSE) for its customers to have better access to UOB savings accounts, allow repayments of loans via the mobile phone, and to offer benefits such as a life insurance and the capacity to transfer money and pay bills, using the mVISA platform.

Roll-out of e-Zwich in rural areas – branchless banking in Ghana

Ghana Interbank Payment and Settlement Systems developed e-zwich, a smart card payment system to increase financial inclusion in rural areas.
