World Vision Cash Transfer Strategy

Together with technology partners, WVTL developed a digital transfer system based upon a blockchain known as Kartaun Bele. This digital voucher platform enables people, businesses, and organizations to make secure transfers, and store value using personal NFC enable smartcards and a smaller number of smartphones as terminals. It is designed for the development community of Timor-Leste where network reliability is a problem, as the digital voucher system can withstand intermittent connectivity since it uses blockchain technology to improve security in the system.

Implementation of airtime top-up services to pay for micro-insurance and micro-pension

In 2017, The Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (SINPF), with support from PFIP, piloted a retirement savings product for the informal sector known as youSave. One of the pilot recommendations was to utilise cost-effective digital delivery channels to allow for direct remittance of savings into SINPF. Because of the inefficiencies and a lack of reach into the rural areas by existing digital payment channels, the option to use airtime was recommended. The staggering cost of Airtime distribution in the Solomon Islands seemed to be an insurmountable challenge in order to achieve a sustainable business case for payment collections PHB was previously engaged to conduct a feasibility assessment and based upon that positive outcome this project was initiated to implement the youSave Lo Mobile service - and launch the world’s first-ever airtime scheme for provident fund payments.

Explore the use of Airtime top-up services to pay for micro-insurance and micro-pension

In 2017, the Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (SINPF), with support from PFIP, piloted a retirement savings product for the informal sector. One of the pilot recommendations was a call to utilise cost-effective digital delivery channels to allow for direct remittance of savings into SINPF. Because of the inefficiencies and a lack of reach into the rural areas by existing digital payment channels, the option to use airtime was recommended.

E-Channels Strategy for Bank South Pacific – Papua New Guinea

Since 2009, BSP has a Transformational Program, which comprises the review of the portfolio of retail products and the implementation of electronic delivery channels.
