PHB Academy

PHB Academy is our training and coaching practice. We work with you to design courses and programmes that build the capacity of financial sector stakeholders to effectively implement digital technology at scale.

The Way We Work With You

Our courses are customised to suit your context and meet your requirements. To ensure this, our Instructional Designers and Workshop Facilitators create and deliver our services using the ADDIE  (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation)  approach: 

Analysis: We always start with the collection and analysis of information about your expectations, the specific training or coaching needs of intended participants and the reality on the ground. 

Design: Building on the Analysis we draft learning objectives, select learning methods and create the agenda or curriculum. 

Development: We translate the Design into customised materials, including presentations, readings and tools. We create detailed session guides for workshop facilitators and coaches that include instructions for exercises which build on the principles of adult education to maximise retention and recall.

Implementation: Using the materials and exercises created during the Development phase, we deliver dynamic programmes to engage participants. The purpose is to motivate participants to take action or change behaviour as well as increase their knowledge and build their skills.

Evaluation: This is an ongoing activity throughout the cycle. During Implementation, we assess the training process and its outcomes daily and incorporate lessons learned. After Implementation, we produce an evaluation report with recommendations for future training and coaching programmes. 

Contact US

For a preliminary training needs assessment and to discuss how PHB Academy can develop training – including training of trainers – that will help you scale for impact.
