Implementation of sustainable savings through multi-channels Malawi
Context: Women’s World Banking is providing technical assistance (with support from UNCDF’s Microlead Expansion program) to NBS Bank on a project to increase access to sustainable demand-driven savings products to low-income Malawians, in particular women and clients living in rural areas.
Objective: The objective of the project is to build a foundation for sustained growth by developing NBSs capacity to target and serve unbanked Malawians with demand-driven savings products and services, thus positioning the Bank as a market leader within Malawi.
Deliverables: Collaborate with Womens World Banking to produce project deliverables required by funder (UNCDF); Strategy recommendations for alternative channel; Implementation plan for reaching scale with agent banking channel; Training materials for agent network and bank staff; Business Acceptance and Friendly User Tests methodology; Action plan to a) prepare and launch pilot, and b) scale agent banking channel; Business case and projections (capex, opex, time to break even, NPV) with scenarios for pricing decisions
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