Mapping of Financial Inclusion and Recommendations to the Central Bank to Collect and Measure Financial Inclusion in Haiti

Since 27% of Haitians had access to formal financial services (FINDEX 2011), the Central Bank (BRH) defined a National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) with the World Bank in 2014

Feasibility Study on Mobile Financial Services (MFS) in Colombia

Grameen Foundation wanted to understand the role it could play supporting the development of mobile financial services in Colombia, and especially in rural areas linked to agri-value chains.

Launch Plan for Mobile Financial Services (MFS) in Panama

Grameen Foundation wanted to understand the role it could play supporting the development of mobile financial services in Colombia, and especially in rural areas linked to agri-value chains.

Analysis of the impact of climate change on Microfinance Latin America

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) want to access the impact of climate change on Microfinance environment.
